Friday, November 4, 2011

A little elbow grease, big result

So - there aren't a whole lot of things that just get under Hamm's skin and annoy him to no end.  Shockingly, one of the things that would fall into this category would be the light fixture in our basement when we bought the house.  I'm not sure if it was the fact that when you turned the fan on the four lights would start swirling in time with the fan and bang against each other making a metallic sound or whether it was the fact that any standard sized lightbulb hangs below the edge of the fixture....not really sure.  

The other left over item was the fact that the doors themselves were painted blue.  The previous owners had a "beach shack" design decor down here that didn't exactly jive with our style, but we hadn't gotten around to the doors.  So without further ado (please ignore all the dog toys, as soon as I put them away Maisie takes them all back out) the before:

And the after:

Sigh....we like this so much better.  We also spray painted the door hardware so that it would no longer be the lovely cheap brass.  Now its lovely cheap brass covered in brushed nickel spray paint....totally different.